A Defence Company put a Machine gun on a Drone

Duke Robotics, a military contractor, has produced a video for their unique tool, TIKAD.

A custom multi-rotor drone with a chassis on the bottom to hold what looks like stripped down machine gun, sniper rifle, or grenade launcher.

A gimbal at the bottom of the drone hold the gun steady as you aim and fire remotely via a video-capable control pad. 

TIKAD allows government to utilise completely new capabilities against terrorist groups. This is a type of marketing so as to make it a viral video and they are currently raising funds to build more of these.

Duke is saying they are currently in testing with the Israeli army. This product would be dangerous for use in real situations but with bit of engineering and improvement there would be something that could launch launch from a distant location, move in for the kill, and then fly back. 

This is an investment strategy, not a final product.

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