Flutter: 2 in 1 - "Effortless"

Flutter by Googl

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Hello Everyone, it has been long but not late for a new blog again. Google is reaching great heights by developing legit stuff across the globe. And here they are: not with a brand new, but a capable, popular framework called: 'FLUTTER'!!

Why does Flutter sound insane? 

Flutter is a qualified and efficient framework/editor created by Google. This framework is capable of mobile application development which can support Apple and Android through single codebase. As well as it supports web, desktop, and mobile in one single code base.

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Developers have been amazed through this stable release on May 7, 2019. Who wouldn't love best results through less efforts. And so Flutter has been a great competitor around the world. IT companies have started using Flutter like water. 

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Flutter was initially released in November 2017, but now it has amazed developers and is being used everywhere.

Flutter Features: 

  • Rapid Progress
    • Flutter is used for fast development with easy system, building UI's, working with emulators, and simulators and great features. The coding process has been fun and very user friendly based. 
  • Expressive art
    • Building UI's and creating great designs has also been a great feature of Flutter. Using different iOS and Android themes is a superior flavor. 
  • Type ain't matter
    • The type of application, whether it is new or already built can be made using this legitimate framework. 

Flutter can be tried now completely free of charge!!

Companies currently using Flutter 

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These companies are currently using Flutter as a huge platform for making applications. 

Visit some of the best companies for your Flutter solutions now :)

Enjoy with Flutter Dev. and Have a fab day!!!

CLICK HERE: For a Tutorial 

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